Carnival Cruise Line Introduces Smoke-Free Indoor Policy

policies regarding smoking on cruise ships

Smoking is prohibited in all public places in the United States, with exceptions for certain casinos, a practice that has become contentious as labor-rights organizations in both Atlantic City and Las Vegas advocate for rule changes.

Prohibiting smoking in restaurants and bars on land is logical due to the hazards of second-hand smoke. Additionally, it is a relatively small inconvenience for smokers as they can easily step outside to smoke.

On a cruise ship, it’s more complex. Unlike passenger cabins, all other areas on the ship are communal, and smoking inside a cabin poses a fire risk and is strictly forbidden.

The smoking regulations at both Carnival and Royal Caribbean resemble each other. Both permit smoking and vaping in designated areas of their casinos, but only for players who are actively participating. Additionally, they provide smoking zones on the pool decks and possibly in another segment of an outdoor deck.

For the record, you are only allowed to smoke tobacco on a cruise ship. Cannabis is strictly forbidden, and if you’re found smoking it, you will be removed from the ship and may receive a lifetime ban.

customer opinions on vaping regulations

Some cruise passengers, however, encounter difficulties with these regulations. Carnival Cruise Line Brand Ambassador John Heald responded to some objections he had recently come across.

passenger comments regarding vaping regulations

Smoking and vaping are not identical activities, yet cruise lines handle them identically. A Carnival passenger expressed their dissatisfaction with this policy in an email to Heald.

“John Heald, could you clarify Carnival’s vaping policy? Is it allowed only in the designated smoking areas on the ship? If so, I believe this policy needs to be revised,” he stated.

The person who wrote the letter had fairly sensible reasoning for their request:

In the USA, vapes are predominantly used by smokers attempting to quit. Harvard University has validated their effectiveness through authoritative evidence reviews. The decline in smoking rates in the US since 2017 is among the swiftest globally, primarily due to vaping. Youth smoking rates in the USA are currently at a historic low. Consequently, grouping vapers with smokers is both cruel and unjust. While vaping may not be entirely safe, it is safer than smoking and assists smokers in quitting.

Some individuals who vape are former smokers, yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaping habits are diverse: “29.4% were also current cigarette smokers, 40.3% were former cigarette smokers, and 30.3% had never smoked cigarettes.”

The poster contended that vapers are not receiving fair treatment.

“Carnival passengers consist of many individuals who vape. Why are they made to use areas designated for cigarette smoking? Is this policy still in place today? Is this outdated rule still enforced by Carnival?” they wrote.

Heald responded with compassion yet firmness:

“Thank you for the well-delivered message,” he wrote. “I cannot claim to know if the guest’s statement is accurate, as I have never smoked cigarettes or attempted vaping. However, I can confirm that we at Carnival Cruise Line require individuals who vape to restrict their activity to designated smoking areas.”

The spokesperson made it clear that vaping would not be allowed in other areas.

“Anyone found vaping in areas designated as nonsmoking will face the same penalties as individuals caught smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes,” he mentioned. “Since many of you have raised questions about this rule lately, I wanted to clarify it for everyone.”

The majority of feedback on Heald’s post supported maintaining the existing regulations:

  • “John Heald should ensure that vaping is restricted to the designated smoking area.” – Mary Ellen Dillon
  • “As a former smoker, I understand, but it’s not right to expose non-smokers to cigarettes or vaping.” – Lisa Lisa
  • “I am a smoker… No vaper has ever expressed dissatisfaction with vaping in the designated smoking zone.” – Lisa Park